User Interface
Sendbird UIKit

Apps using Sendbird UIKit

Download a list of all 1K Sendbird UIKit customers with contacts.

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App Installs Publisher Publisher Email Publisher Social Publisher Website
154M Episode Interactive *****
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103M PicPay *****
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70M 365Scores LTD ***** -
68M Glovoapp 23SL *****
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57M DoorDash *****
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42M AutoScout24 GmbH *****
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33M Koo App ***** -
20M Intelligent Apps GmbH *****
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17M SmartShift Logistics Solutions Private Limited *****
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17M DoorDash *****
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Full list contains 1K apps using Sendbird UIKit in the U.S, of which 975 are currently active and 912 have been updated over the past year, with publisher contacts included.

List updated on 7th July 2024

Create a Free account to see more.

What is Sendbird UIKit

The Sendbird UIKit SDK is a Operations and Maintenance Service SDK provided by Sendbird Inc.. By integrated this SDK, apps have the capabilities of User Interface. Get more details by visiting its official homepage:

Analysis of Sendbird UIKit

A breakdown of countries and app categories used by Sendbird UIKit apps.

Countries and Regions
App Categories

Alternatives to Sendbird UIKit

Most popular Sendbird UIKit alternatives in 2024.

SDK Apps Integrated Provider
390K Henning Dodenhof
379K Airbnb, Inc.
318K Leo Lin
254K The Apache Software Foundation
226K The Apache Software Foundation
185K Philipp Jahoda
185K Daniel Cohen Gindi
155K Joel Arvidsson
149K Intuit Inc.
148K Baseflow B.V.
See the full list of User Interface alternatives.

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